Adventures in Digital Publishing
In partnership with the Association of University Presses and Brown University Digital Publications, Digital Publishing in the Humanities presents a web series which showcases the collaborations behind innovative digital monographs.
Recordings and transcripts of previous episodes can be accessed below. For the latest information about upcoming episodes, visit our website.
Recorded on May 27, 2021. This episode features the team behind Furnace and Fugue: A Digital Edition of Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens (1618) with Scholarly Commentary, co-edited by Tara Nummedal and Donna Bilak. The project was developed by the Brown University Digital Publications Initiative, with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and published by the University of Virginia Press. Learn more.
Recorded on August 26, 2021. This episode features the team behind i used to love to dream, a peer-reviewed rap album by A. D. Carson published by the University of Michigan Press on the Fulcrum platform as part of the Tracking Pop series. Learn more.
Recorded on December 1, 2022. This episode features the team behind the Mellon-funded digital publications initiative at Stanford University Press. Learn more.
Recorded on October 26, 2023. This episode features the team behind Secret Feminist Agenda, a peer-reviewed podcast hosted by Hannah McGregor and published by Wilfrid Laurier University Press on the Amplify Podcast Network. Learn more.
Recorded on February 28, 2024. This episode features the authors, developer, and editor behind 2020 Dreams, a peer-reviewed digital project published by Stanford University Press. Learn more.
Open Access Week
International Open Access Week takes place every year at the end of October. At Emory, we celebrate the faculty authors who have published open access books and articles during the previous twelve months.
Open Access Librarian Jenny Townes has curated an exhibit about open access publishing featuring many of the books supported by our program. Check it out at Woodruff Library Level 2!
October 27, 2022
Featured Speakers
- Lisa Macklin, Associate Vice Provost and University Librarian
- Yanna Yannakakis, Associate Professor of History
- Scott Kugle, Professor of Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies
- Deboleena Roy, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty, Emory College of Arts and Sciences
- Steven Bransford, Senior Video Producer, Emory Center for Digital Scholarship
In light of the ongoing pandemic, this year’s featured authors were celebrated through virtual conversations about their work.
Harshita Mruthinti Kamath, Author of Impersonations: The Artifice of Brahmin Masculinity in South Indian Dance (University of California Press Foundation and the Ahmanson Foundation Endowment Fund in Humanities)
Lauren F. Klein, Author of An Archive of Taste: Race and Eating in the Early United States (University of Minnesota Press)
Deboleena Roy, Author of Molecular Feminisms: Biology, Becomings, and Life in the Lab (University of Washington Press, 2018)
Cynthia Willett, Author of Uproarious: How Feminists and Other Subversive Comics Speak Truth (University of Minnesota Press)
Elizabeth Wilson, Co-Author of A Silvan Tomkins Handbook: Foundations for Affect Theory (University of Minnesota Press)
October 22, 2019
Featured Speakers
- Michael Elliott, Dean of Emory College of Arts and Sciences
- Deboleena Roy, Author of Molecular Feminisms: Biology, Becomings, and Life in the Lab(University of Washington Press, 2018)
- Jesse Karlsberg, Series editor of Sounding Spirit (Emory Center of Digital Scholarship and University of North Carolina Press)
- Solveig A. Cunningham, Co-author of “Unhealthy weight among children in Spain and the role of the home environment” (BMC Research Notes, 2018)
- Lisa Macklin, Director of Research, Engagement, and Scholarly Communications for Emory Libraries
November 13, 2018
Featured Speakers
- Michael Elliott, Dean of Emory College of Arts and Sciences
- Jonathan Basile, Author of Tar for Mortar: "The Library of Babel" and the Dream of Totality (punctum books, 2018)
- Sarah Blanton, Editor of Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation
- Shivani A. Patel, Author of "Chronic Disease Concordance within Indian Households" (PLOS Medicine, 2017) and "Comparison of Multiple Obesity Indices for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Classification in South Asian Adults: The CARRS Study" (PLOS One, 2017)
Conversations in Digital Accessibilities
This ongoing event series, which highlights the various implications of disability and accessibility in regards to digital projects and publishing, is a collaboration between Digital Publishing in the Humanities, the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship, and the Disability Studies Initiative.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Dr. Sean Zdenek is an associate professor of technical and professional writing at the University of Delaware whose research and teaching interests include technical writing, disability studies, sound studies, and rhetorical theory. He is the author of award-winning monograph Reading Sounds: Closed-Caption Media and Popular Culture (University of Chicago Press, 2015). In his more recent Kairos article “Designing Captions: Disruptive experiments with typography, color, icons and effects,” he explores how “enhanced captioning” might disrupt taken-for-granted norms of sonic accessibility and help us imagine different disability futures – a topic he touched upon in this lecture.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Dr. Stephanie Rosen, Associate Librarian and Accessibility Specialist at the University of Michigan Library, led a facilitated roundtable discussion on “Accessibility & Publishing, Scholarship, & Digital Media.” The discussion examined the issue of accessibility in the contexts of digital scholarship, publishing, and media and centered on the question of how our writing, public scholarship, or teaching might look different with a commitment to accessibility.
Monday, February 11, 2019
Stephanie Rosen, Associate Librarian and Accessibility Specialist at the University of Michigan Library, led a hands-on workshop on digital accessibility basics for higher education contexts, with a focus on describing visual resources. Participants had the opportunity to try their hand at describing images to gain an understanding of how subject matter expertise and accessibility knowledge inform this practice that makes digital content more accessible, discoverable, and useful.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Prof. Elizabeth Ellcessor is associate professor of Media Studies at the University of Virginia. She is the author of Restricted Access: Media, Disability, and the Politics of Participation (NYU Press, 2016), and co-editor of Disability Media Studies (NYU Press, 2016). Her work focuses on media access, disability and embodied difference, and the public.
The rhetoric of digital media is usually one of increased access, opportunity, or transparency. However, digital media can not only open, but close off access. In this presentation, Dr. Ellcessor explored the ways in which digital technologies have both produced and prevented access to culture, information, and citizenship for people with disabilities. She illustrated how disabled people have innovated in the face of these barriers, and suggested that these workarounds and culturally specific media productions hold value for designing better media and technologies that attend to diverse access conditions rather than taking for granted normative bodies or practices. Finally, Dr. Ellcessor turned a critical lens to the growing reliance on digital media in the management of the university, proposing that attention to access needs become one of our responsibilities as scholars and teachers.
Captioned video recordings of Prof. Ellcessor's lecture are available to view here.
Past Events
Explorations in Digital Publishing Series
Friday, October 21, 2022
This three-hour workshop, open to all humanities scholars based in metro Atlanta, explored genre change in the digital era and offered an introduction for authors of monographs considering open access or digital publication.
The workshop was led by Dr. Gwendolynne Reid, Director of the Writing Program and Assistant Professor of English at Emory University's Oxford College, and Sarah McKee, Senior Associate Director for Publishing. Participants explored the monograph genre and the options available for developing monographs in the digital environment, with an emphasis on considering the needs of specific academic and public audiences.
What is Your Project? Series
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence and the Digital Publishing in the Humanities initiative invited Emory community members for an introduction to Manifold.
The featured speakers were Terence Smyre, Manifold Digital Projects Editor at University of Minnesota Press, and Jason Weidemann, Editorial Director at the University of Minnesota Press. Manifold is an iterative, collaborative, open-source platform for monograph publishing developed at the University of Minnesota Press. They introduced the workshop participants to Manifold through a guided tour and demonstrations of the platform and also highlighted a few live projects.
MAP IT | Little Dots, Big Ideas Series
Friday, February 2, 2018
This hands-on workshop introduced network thinking for historical projects concerned with people, places, and works. We used pen and paper as well as a suite of software tools developed at the Humanities + Design research lab at the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis.
What is Your Project? Series
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Sylvia Miller, the senior program manager for Publishing Innovations and the publications manager for Humanities Futures at the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute at Duke University, led a design charrette for two digital monograph projects in development by Emory faculty.
The Publishing Makerspace design charrette, modeled on the charrettes used in urban planning projects, offers a holistic approach to generating digital scholarship for publication. It seeks to integrate the traditional book-writing process within a larger publishing ecosystem that includes other outputs, such as archives of raw data, digital artifacts, and visualizations. This model embraces the work of digital librarians, archivists, mapping and visualization experts, data miners, designers, editors, software developers, and others in a collaborative spirit of content creation.
In this session, María Carrión (Comparative Literature, ECAS) and Molly McGehee (English, Oxford College), whose projects are in the planning/proposal stages, offered brief presentations of their work to date and participated in a discussion of project development that includes intended and multiple audiences, planned modes and tools, and potential outputs.
What is Your Project? Series
Monday, September 18, 2017
This session was the first in a yearlong, three-session workshop series titled “What Is Your Project?,” sponsored by the Digital Publishing in the Humanities initiative and the Center for Faculty Development and Excellence. The goal of these three sessions was to help faculty navigate the complex landscape of digital humanities and publishing, by moving from a project concept to a structured proposal.
The workshop speaker was Cheryl Ball. Ball is associate professor of digital publishing studies, West Virginia University, and editor of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy.
Ball guided faculty through the beginnings of a discernment process, with the aim of drafting a project profile that clarifies identity and format.
Part 1 – 1-hour lecture over lunch
Part 2 – 2-hour workshop for a smaller group (15 participants, first-come, first-served)
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
At this online event, author Robert Meyer-Lee (Professor of English at Agnes Scott College) was joined in conversation by Nichole Misako Nomura (PhD Candidate in English at Stanford University), Nathan Phelps (PhD Candidate in English at the University of Notre Dame), and Kashaf Qureshi, (PhD Candidate in English at the University of Chicago), to discuss Meyer-Lee's new book, The Problem of Literary Value. Thanks to the generous support of the Andrew Mellon Foundation, The Problem of Literary Value is available now to read online and download.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Tuesday, March 23, 2023
Information sessions open to all ECAS faculty, covering digital publishing opportunities at Emory, including open access subventions.
MAP IT | Little Dots, Big Ideas Series
Monday, April 16, 2018
Although many Vatican manuscripts have enjoyed a long history of dedicated scholarship, others remain unstudied by scholars who have no way of knowing that the manuscripts even exist. METAscripta, meaning “metadata about manuscripts,” is a large-scale digital humanities project of the Knights of Columbus Vatican Film Library (VFL) in the Department of Special Collections of Pius XII Memorial Library. The immediate goal of the project is to digitize 37,000 pre-modern manuscripts originally photographed on microfilm at the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (BAV) in the 1950s by the founders of the VFL. The project will ultimately produce a website where registered users will be able to search BAV manuscripts using discovery tools rather than conventional catalog descriptions, which are lacking for tens of thousands of Vatican manuscripts.
More than just a digitization effort, the METAscripta project applies innovative cataloging methods to improve access to Vatican manuscripts, including indexing by language, century, and country of origin. This basic metadata will allow users to search for manuscripts as historical artifacts without the traditional library access points of author/title, which for ancient manuscripts require the work of experts who must not only read pre-modern languages, but also decipher elaborate book-hands and idiosyncratic scripts. In addition, controlled vocabulary crowd-sourcing will further enable scholars to add to this discovery metadata by contributing information about manuscripts in their area of expertise. The result will be a new working environment for interactive and shared scholarship about Vatican manuscripts, based on relationships between the Vatican and American scholars that began over 60 years ago.
Debra Taylor Cashion is Digital Humanities Librarian and Assistant Librarian of the Knights of Columbus Vatican Film Library at Saint Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri. She holds a PhD in art history from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh. A specialist in medieval and early modern manuscripts, she currently serves as President and Executive Director of Digital Scriptorium, a consortium of American libraries and museums with collections of pre-modern manuscripts. Debra also creates projects to develop digital resources for manuscript studies, including Broken Books and METAscripta. She recently co-edited and contributed to a large anthology of articles entitled The Primacy of the Image in Northern European Art, 1400-1600: Essays in Honor of Larry Silver (Brill, 2017), part of a series in art history edited by Emory colleague Walter Melion. She has also published articles about her work in Digital Philology, Manuscript Studies, and the Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art.
MAP IT | Little Dots, Big Ideas Series
Thursday, February 1, 2018
In the last decade, the use of software tools for data analysis and data visualization has proliferated in the humanities. The availability of digitized material, increasing computational power, and analytical techniques adopted from network science, geospatial analysis, and natural language processing have inspired new ways to interrogate cultural heritage data. But those tools, reliant on statistical modeling, also limit the questions we can ask and the meaning we discover. In order to uncover significance in materials that have passed through many hands, and stories that have been telegraphed by different voices inflected with opinion, argument, and perspective, we need tools that support human-scale exploration of complex systems. The research process requires “thinking through data,” which is how we describe the reflective, slow collecting and editing of information, as distinct from the quick, mechanistic, algorithmic approach to data processing. This talk demonstrated how the requirements of humanistic inquiry are encoded in tools developed at Humanities + Design and why, in this age of artificial intelligence, it is so important to capture the intellectual work of data modeling.
MAP IT | Little Dots, Big Ideas Series
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
The Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry invited guests to attend a one-hour roundtable lunch sponsored by the Digital Publishing in the Humanities initiative, in conjunction with the MAP IT | Little Dots, Big Ideas series. The featured guest was Dr. Lisa Poggiali (Ph.D. in Anthropology, Stanford University, 2015), an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the Price Lab for Digital Humanities at the University of Pennsylvania. Poggiali's current book project focuses on crowd-sourced mapping and other uses of geospatial data in the making of political claims in Kenya. The informal conversation with Lisa concerned her fellowship at the Price Lab and how her research intersects with digital humanities more generally and digital publication initiatives more specifically.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
The Digital Publishing in the Humanities initiative welcomed Janet Murray to campus on Wednesday, October 4, at 4:30 p.m. in the Jones Room of Woodruff Library to deliver a talk entitled "Beyond the Holodeck: Toward a Transformational Digital Storytelling."
Janet Murray is the Ivan Allen College Professor of Digital Media and Associate Dean for Research in the Ivan College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech. An internationally recognized interaction designer, specializing in digital narrative and digital humanities, she is also a member of the Steering Committee and Project Director of the Mellon Foundation grant for Georgia Tech’s Digital Integrated Liberal Arts Center.
In 2017 MIT Press issued an updated edition of her groundbreaking book Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace to mark the twentieth anniversary of its publication.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Faculty and staff members joined us to learn about the new subsidy supporting the publication of digital/open access monographs in the humanities. The subsidy is available to Emory faculty and supported by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. A one-hour presentation at 12:30 was followed by discussion and demonstrations of digital monographs.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Dr. Evan Cortens (Ph.D. in Musicology, Cornell University, 2014), an institutional analyst at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, discussed using data-driven research and statistically grounded techniques in the digital humanities to examine the work of the composer Christoph Graupner (a contemporary of Johann Sebastian Bach) . He also addressed some of the challenges and opportunities that characterize digital humanities scholarship.
Friday, January 20, 2017
On Friday, January 20, Reed Malcolm of the University of California Press visited Emory University. Reed is the Executive Editor of Luminos, the open access monograph initiative of UC Press. The luncheon offered faculty members an opportunity to learn about digital monographs from the perspective of a university press.
Seminar Series
In Fall 2017, the Bill and Carol Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry hosted a seminar series on Digital Publishing in the Humanities, supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Participants explored the concept of open access in the broader framework of digital publishing with the aim of better understanding the relevant contexts and controversies. This seminar was open to faculty, graduate students, and affiliates.
September 6, 2017
Selections from Open Access and the Humanities: Contexts, Controversies and the Future (2014), by Martin Paul Eve.
- Chapter 1: Introduction, or why open access?
- Chapter 2: Digital Economics
- Chapter 4: Monographs
October 4, 2017
Selections from Hamlet on the Holodeck, Revised Edition (2017), by Janet Murray (in attendance)
- Introduction: A Book Lover Longs for Cyberdrama
- Chapter 3: From Additive to Expressive Form: Beyond “Multimedia”
- Chapter 4: Immersion
- Chapter 5: Agency
November 1, 2017
Selections from Traces of the Old, Uses of the New: The Emergence of Digital Literary Studies (2015), by Amy E. Earhart
- Introduction: Digital Literary Studies in the United States
- Chapter 1: The Rationale of Holism: Textual Studies, the Edition, and the Legacy of the Text Entire
- Chapter 2: The Era of the Archive: The New Historicist Movement and Digital Literary Studies
- Chapter 3: What’s In and What’s Out?: Digital Canon Cautions